You read it right: bulletproof backpacks.  This is no joke. The Washington Post recently reported that a K-12 school in Florida has started encouraging parents to give the idea some serious thought.

It’s a sad state of affairs when our society has come to this, but here we are — from Sandy Hook to Virginia Tech, shootings on campus have sadly become a recurring event.  Not to mention innocent kids who get hit by stray bullets just walking down the street.

No matter how you look at things politically — whether you believe there should be more good guys with guns to stop these tragedies, or whether you believe there should be no guns at all — one thing we can ALL agree on is the importance of keeping our kids safe.

Now some innovative companies are coming to the marketplace with products that could literally save your child’s life.

One such company is Shield Pack, which offers a NIJ IIIA-rated Bulletproof School Backpack. It looks and blends in just like a normal backpack, but it’s made with Kevlar and will stop bullets in their tracks.

Another good option is the ProShield 2 Bulletproof Backpack NIJ Certified IIIA from Guard Dog Security. This one comes with built-in multimedia connections and enhanced gel for extra comfort.

If you don’t want to buy a whole backpack, another great option is bulletproof panels that you can insert into any regular backpack, giving you a similar level of protection.

Material Protection LLC, a company based in Texas, manufactures the US Bulletproof Backpack Insert, made right here in the USA. It fits into most backpacks, is lightweight, and in emergencies it can also be worn by itself without the backpack.

Another bulletproof insert option is the Man-PACK Bulletproof Backpack Insert, which is available in several colors.

Now, I know what you’re thinking — “this will never happen to MY kids”, right? While we certainly hope that’s true, the world is becoming such a dangerous place that it doesn’t make sense to take any chances. Especially when you can help protect your family for a relatively small, one-time investment.

Finally, this is also a good time to talk for minute about the concepts of “cover” and “concealment”. Make sure your kids know the difference. “Cover” means you are protected from incoming bullets by a solid barrier — a block wall, a (stone or concrete) building, or perhaps a large tree — objects that are thick enough to stop a bullet. “Concealment” means you are hidden from the shooters view, but NOT protected from incoming bullets — for example, diving behind a leafy shrub may save your life if the shooter doesn’t know you are there, but if he fires into the bush indiscriminately it won’t stop the bullets. It’s important to know the difference between which things will stop bullets, and which won’t. Please, if you do nothing else, talk with your kids and make sure they are prepared to find appropriate cover should the need ever (God forbid) arise.

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